This year has dealt us countless situations and challenges that could cause anyone to begin to think hopeless thoughts, that there is no way out. We often feel like we've made so many mistakes and wrong turns, and that our options that remain are beyond less than desirable; they flat out suck! Where can we find hope when we feel as though life has nothing left to offer us?
The answer is Grace. That invisible, silent friend who seems to always have our backs when the chips are down. Grace simply needs a way in; it lives to save the day and rescue those who are the least expecting.
I can remember a time when I had exhausted all possible options that I had known on a matter, and even tried the options again, hoping for a different result to no avail. My experience was frustrating, draining and discouraging. I continued to make frivolous attempts when I was interrupted by an unforeseen light at the end of the once darkened tunnel. It was as if the answer was tailor-made and waiting to be delivered.
Grace seeks to reward those who despite the odds and obstacles, hold on to a thread of hope, that a silver lining awaits on the other side of their storm.
Grace is the best friend to have as it cares nothing of your faults, thoughts, or feelings of being undeserving. It can appear in many different ways, but always in the form of love. An uplifting word from a stranger, or a gift received but not asked for. It could even be a friend willing to spending quality time listening to all your thoughts and feelings. It could even be an act of service that allows you to have time to focus on yourself rather than on others.
When grace appears, do your best to be humble and not reject it. Grace is an extension of unconditional love. Its power can lift and push you towards your second chance, with a second wind that can allow you to endure and overcome.
Blog Post Written by Wellness Contributor Keirra Goggins, BA (Psych.)
Photos by PeopleImages and AntonioGuillem on